
[别称 Chaima: Chayma, Guaga-Tagare, Sayma, Warapiche, Kumaná, Cumaná]



Yangues, Manuel de, Principios y reglas de la lengua cummanagota, general en varias naciones, que habitan en la Provincia de Cummana en las Indias Occidentales, Burgos, 1683

Includes a grammar (p. 1-70) with Spanish explanations and Nahuatl examples, followed by a "Diccionario de la lengua de los Indios cumanagotos, y palenques, compuesto por el padre Fray Matias Ruiz Blanco" (p. 71-220) which lists approximately 5000 entries in Spanish alphabetical order with Cumana equivalents alongside. Yangues’ grammar and dictionary appear to be the basis for the “Reglas” and “Tesoro” that make up Part 2 of Ruiz Blanco, Matías, Conversion de Piritu, Madrid, 1690.

The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University

John Carter Brown Library at Brown University
