[aka Uwa, U'wa, U'w Cuwa]Classification: Chibchan
Classification: Chibchan
Uwa, U'wa, U'w Cuwa, U'w Kuwa, Sínsiga, Cobaría, Tegría, Pedraza |
Chibchan, Magdalenic |
ISO 639-3 |
tbn, tnb, tnd, tuf |
As csv |
Information from: “Language endangerment in South America: The clock is ticking” (167-234) . Crevels, Mily (2012) , Lyle Campbell and Veronica Grondona · Mouton de Gruyter
Columbia: Uwa-Tunebo (Uw Kuwa, U’wa) 7,231 speakers and population (2001). Venezuela: Tunebo (Uwa-Tunebo) ? speakers and population.
Information from: “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 19th Edition (2016)” . Lewis, M. Paul, Gary F. Simons, and Charles D. Fennig · SIL International
Ethnologue distinguishes:
Tunebo, Angosturas [tnd]: 50 speakers (50 Ethnic population).
Tunebo, Barro Negro (Eastern Tunebo) [tbn]: 300 speakers (1981) (300 Ethnic population).
Tunebo, Central [tuf]: 2,500 speakers (2000) (2,500 ethnic population).
Tunebo, Western (U'wa, Aguas Blancas) [tnb]: 700 speakers (700 ethnic population).
Tunebo, Angosturas [tnd]: Arauca department: headwaters and southern tributaries of Casanare River.
Tunebo, Barro Negro (Eastern Tunebo) [tbn]: Arauca and Casanare departments: Barro Negro, San Lope (Casanare), and Tabías (Casanare), south of Tame Arauca; isolated in Andes foothills, eastern plains above Paz de Ariporo.
Tunebo, Central [tuf]: Arauca and Boyacá departments: Calafita, Cobaría (Boyacá), Satocá, Tegría (Boyacá) on north slopes of Sierra Nevada de Cocuy; Santander department: Capitanejo and Carcasi municipalities.
Tunebo, Western (U'wa, Aguas Blancas) [tnb]: Norte de Santander and Santander departments: east of Floridablanca; some in Boyacá department.
Information from: “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009)” . M. Paul Lewis · SIL International
Ethnologue gives 4 Tunebo languages:
Tunebo, Angosturas [tnd]: 50 speakers.
(50. Ethnic population: All ethnic Tunebos: 7,010 (Crevels 2007) (2013, no change).)
Tunebo, Barro Negro (Eastern Tunebo) [tbn]: 300 speakers (1981).
(300 (1981 SIL). Ethnic population: All ethnic Tunebos: 7,010 (Crevels 2007) (2013, no change).)
Tunebo, Central [tuf]: 2,500 speakers (2000).
(2,500 in Colombia (2000 SIL); ethnic population: All ethnic Tunebos: 7,010 (Crevels 2007) (2013, no change).)
Tunebo, Western (U'wa, Aguas Blancas) [tnb]: 700 speakers (1998).
(700 (1998). Ethnic population: All ethnic Tunebos: 7,010 (Crevels 2007). (2013, no change).)
Others give only one
Northern Colombia
Angosturas Tunebo [tnd]: Arauca Department, headwaters, southern tributaries of the Casanare River.
Barro Negro Tunebo [[tbn]: Isolated, Andes foothills, edge of eastern plains above Paz de Ariporo, in Barro Negro, San Lope (Casanare), and Tabías (Casanare), south of Tame Arauca.
Central Tunebo [tuf]: Boyaca and Arauca departments, north slopes of Sierra Nevada de Cocuy, Satocá, Calafita, Tegría (Boyacá), Cobaría (Boyacá); also in Santander Department, Capitanejo and Carcasi municipalities.
Western Tunebo [tnb]: Santander and Norte de Santander department, east of Floridablanca; small area in Boyaca department.