[aka Yasa, Iyassa, Yassa]Classification: Niger-Congo
Classification: Niger-Congo
Yasa, Iyassa, Yassa, Iyaasa, Maasa, Bongwe, "Ndowe" |
Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Benue-Congo, Southern Bantoid |
Roman |
ISO 639-3 |
yko |
As csv |
Information from: “Discourses of speakerhood in Iyasa: Linguistic identity and authenticity in an endangered language” (235-273) . Anna Belew (2018)
Some sources approximate roughly 3,000 speakers, though many Iyasa people consider this an overestimation.
"While Iyasa still has many speakers in their 20s, most young Iyasa-speaking parents in the Campo area report that their children have only a passive command of Iyasa. Children in Ebodje generally have active command of Iyasa, but are observed speaking mostly French in daily life. Young parents today report speaking predominantly or exclusively French with their children, whereas their parents spoke mostly Iyasa in the home."
"Young people who still have proficiency in Iyasa self-report increasing use of French in all domains, typical of a generational shift in progress... use of French is increasing in domains previously occupied by Iyasa, such as the home and community associations."
New orthography developed since 2015; now in use by a growing number of speakers.
"Spoken along a stretch of coast which straddles the border between Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea... Iyasa speakers in Cameroon are concentrated in Campo Sub-Division, Ocean Division, South Region. In addition, there are Iyasa diaspora populations in Yaoundé and Douala (Cameroon’s two largest cities), as well as Kribi (the largest city in the South Region), and a handful living overseas." Villages where Iyasa is spoken in Cameroon include Campo Beach, Campo Ville, Ipenyenje, Bouanjo, Itonde Mer, Bɛ́yɔ, Mbenji, Ebodje, and Lolabe.
Information from: “Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger” . Christopher Moseley (ed.) (2010) UNESCO Publishing
Information from: “Atlas Linguistique du Cameroun” . Charles Binam Bikoi · CERDOTOLA
"La communauté Yasa - environ un millier de personnes au Cameroun sur le littoral de l'arr. de Campo, dép. de l'Océan (Région du Sud) - est aussi implantée de l'autre cȏté de l'embouchure du Ntem, en Guinée Equatoriale et au Gabon."
Information from: “Le Syntagme Nominal Du Yasa” . C. L. Bouh Ma Sitna (2004)
"Le yasa est une langue non alphabétisée, c'est à dire qu'elle ne comporte pas de système d'écriture. Elle demeure une langue dite à tradition orale."
"Le yasa est parlé en Guinée Equatoriale et au Cameroun... La langue yasa est parlée au Cameroun dans le département de l’Océan, plus précisément dans l’unité administrative de Campo. Aujourd'hui, les 3000 âmes que compte la communauté Yasa occupent la zone du littoral camerounais qui s'étend de Lolabé (31 km de Kribi) au village Campo Reach situé sur l'embouchure du Ntem."