Lambayeque Quechua

[, другое название: Ferreñafe Quechua, Cañaris-Incahuasi, Cañaris Quechua]

Классификация: Quechuan


близок к исчезновению

Языковые метаданные

Ferreñafe Quechua, Cañaris-Incahuasi, Cañaris Quechua

Quechuan, Quechua II

Latin (Spanish-based)

ISO 639-3


Как файл csv

Поиск в OLAC

The question of how to distinguish between entities that are dialects of a single language vs. those that are separate languages is particularly serious in the case of Quechuan languages and dialects, and much work remains to be done. Though it is well-known and very clear that there are a number of distinct languages in the Quechuan complex, some very distinct, the tendency to consider them all merely dialects of “Quechua” persists in many circles. (Cerrón-Palomino 1987.)

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