
[aka Pirahán, Piraha, Múra-Pirahã]

Classification: Isolate



  • Endangered Languages Catalogue Project. Compiled by research teams at University of Hawai'i Mānoa and Institute for Language Information and Technology (LINGUIST List) at Eastern Michigan University . (2012) ·

  • Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger . Christopher Moseley (ed.) (2010) · UNESCO Publishing http://www.unesco.org/culture/en/endangeredlanguages/atlas

  • World Oral Literature Project . http://www.oralliterature.org

  • South America ( pp. 103-196 ) . Mily Crevels (2007) · In Atlas of the World's Endangered Languages edited by C. Moseley · London & New York: Routledge

  • Language endangerment in South America: The clock is ticking ( pp. 167-234 ) . Crevels, Mily (2012) · In The Indigenous Languages of South America: A Comprehensive Guide edited by Lyle Campbell and Veronica Grondona · Mouton de Gruyter

  • The World Atlas of Language Structures . (2005) · edited by Bernard Comrie and David Gil and Martin Haspelmath and Matthew S. Dryer · Oxford University Press

  • Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009) . (2009) · edited by M. Paul Lewis · SIL International http://www.ethnologue.com/

  • O idioma Mura . Hanke, Wanda (1952) · Documentação do Amazonas · Vol. 1 · Manaus

  • The Mura and Piraha ( pp. 255-268 ) . (1948) · In The Tropical Forest Tribes Handbook of South American Indians · Vol. 3 · edited by Julian H. Steward · Smithsonian Institution, Washington: Bureau of American Ethnology

  • Pirahã ( pp. 200-325 ) . Everett, Daniel L (1986) · In Handbook of Amazonian Languages 1 edited by Derbyshire, Desmond C. and Pullum, Geoffrey K. · Mouton de Gruyter

  • On metrical constituent structure in Piraha ( pp. 207-246 ) . Everett, Daniel L. (1988) · Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. 6

  • Syllable Onsets and Stress Placement in Piraha ( pp. 105-116 ) . Everett, Daniel L. and Everett, Karen (1984) · In Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics 3 Stanford Linguisticss Association

  • A língua Pirahã e a teoria da sintaxe: descrição, perspectivas e teoria ( pp. 400 ) . Everett, Daniel Leonard (1992) · Campinas: Editora da Unicamp

  • Aspectos da Fonologia do Pirahã Daniel Everett - https://pt.other.wiki/wiki/Daniel_Everett . Daniel Leonard Everett (1979) ·

  • A lingua Pirahã e a teoria da sintaxe: descrição, perspectiva e teoria . Everett, Daniel Leonard (1983) ·

  • Pirahã ( pp. 200-325 ) . Daniel L. Everett (1986) · In Handbook of Amazonian Languages edited by Desmond C. Derbyshire and Geoffrey K. Pullum · Mouton de Gruyter

  • Notas preliminares sôbre nucleos oracionais contrastivos em Mura-Pirahã ( pp. 127-131 ) . Heinrichs, Arlo (1967) · Antropologia. 2 Atas do Simpósio sôbre a biota Amazônica, Belém, Pará, Junho 6-11 1966 · Vol. 2 · Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas

  • A lingua piraha e a teoria da sintaxe: descricao, perspectivas e teoria . Everett, Daniel L. (1991) · Editora de Unicamp