[aka Leko, Lapalapa, Chuncho Aleniano]Classification: Isolate
Classification: Isolate
Leko, Lapalapa, Chuncho Aleniano, Leko, Rik'a, Ateniano |
Isolate, South American |
ISO 639-3 |
lec |
As csv |
Information from: “Leko” (287-331 ch. Leko) . Van de Kerke, Simon (2009) , by Mily Crevels and Pieter Muysken · Plural Editores
"los lekos han logrado sobrevivir como grupo indígena, aunque han perdido su lengua" (p 288)
"siguen viviendo unos semihablantes" (p. 288)
[the Lecos have managed to survive as an indigenous group, although they have lost their language]
[some semispeakers are still alive].
A few semispeakers remain.
Information from: “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009)” . M. Paul Lewis · SIL International
Data for the number of native speakers comes from S. van de Kerke (2001). The number for the ethnic population is from Adelaar (2000).
Lake Titicaca east; Apolo area; scattered on Mapiri-Kaka river in Karura, Candelaria, Tutilimundi, and Uyapi; Coroico river in Trapichiponte in KeleKelera; Pucasucho, Inca, Trinidad, Mulihuara, Chirimayo, Muiri, Ilipana Yuyo, Munaypata, Irimo, Correo, Santo Domingo.
Information from: “Renaissance of the lost Leco: Ethnohistory of the Bolivian foothills from Apolobamba to Larecaja” . Francis Ferrié (2014)
Information from: “South America” (103-196) . Mily Crevels (2007) , C. Moseley · London & New York: Routledge
Department of La Paz, provinces of Franz Tamayo, Nor-Yungas, Caranavi y Larecaja, municipalities of Apolo and Guanay, Trapiche Ponte.
Information from: “The World Atlas of Language Structures” . Bernard Comrie and David Gil and Martin Haspelmath and Matthew S. Dryer · Oxford University Press
Information from: “Language endangerment in South America: The clock is ticking” (167-234) . Crevels, Mily (2012) , Lyle Campbell and Veronica Grondona · Mouton de Gruyter
20 (mid 1990s) / 132 (2001 census)
Information from: “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 17th Edition (2013)” . Paul M. Lewis; Gary F. Simons; and Charles D. Fennig · Dallas, Texas: SIL International
Speakers 60 and older.
Lake Titicaca east; Apolo area; scattered on Mapiri-Kaka river in Karura, Candelaria, Tutilimundi, and Uyapi; Coroico river in Trapichiponte in KeleKelera; Pucasucho, Inca, Trinidad, Mulihuara, Chirimayo, Muiri, Ilipana Yuyo, Munaypata, Irimo, Correo, Santo Domingo.