Guana (Paraguay)
[aka Guaná, Kaskiha, Kaskihá]Classification: Mascoyan
·critically endangered
Classification: Mascoyan
·critically endangered
Guaná, Kaskiha, Kaskihá, Cashquiha, Kashika, Kashiha, Vana peema |
Mascoyan |
ISO 639-3 |
gva |
As csv |
Information from: “Temporal Predicative Particles in Sanapaná and the Enlhet-Enenlhet Language Family (Paraguay): Descriptive and Comparative Study” . Van Gysel, Jens L. (2017)
"According to Han- nes Kalisch (p.c. 2017), the situation is even worse: he found only 4 living rememberers of the language, rendering Guaná effectively moribund."
"According to Han- nes Kalisch (p.c. 2017), the situation is even worse: he found only 4 living rememberers of the language, rendering Guaná effectively moribund."
Information from: “The World Atlas of Language Structures” . Bernard Comrie and David Gil and Martin Haspelmath and Matthew S. Dryer · Oxford University Press
Information from: “South America” (103-196) . Mily Crevels (2007) , C. Moseley · London & New York: Routledge
33.3 percent of the ethnic group speak the language and the ethnic group is very small.
Spanish and Paraguayan Guarni
Paraguay, Department of Concepcion, District of San Lazaro, in Valle Mi on the banks of the Apa River, Department of Alto Paraguay, on the Riacho Mosquito.
Information from: “Los pueblos del Gran Chaco y sus lenguas, primera parte: Los enlhet-enenlhet del Chaco Paraguayo” (503-569) . Alain Fabre (2005)
"El censo de 2002 proporciona una cifra de 242 guaná, de los cuales sólo 19 utilizan su lengua en el hogar."
[The 2002 census gives a figure of 242 Guana, of whom only 19 use their language at home.]
Guaraní paraguayo
Depto. de Concepción; Ángulo sudeste del depto. Alto Paraguay, distrito La Victoria; Ángulo noroeste del depto. Pte. Hayes, distrito del mismo nombre;
Information from: “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009)” . M. Paul Lewis · SIL International
28 (Crevels 2007). Ethnic population: 84 (Crevels 2007).
(Unchanged 2016.)
"la gran mayoría ya habla una variedad del guaraní paraguayo".
[A large majority now speak a variety of Paraguayan Guaraní.]
Concepción Department, San Lázaro district, Valle Mi on Apa river banks; Alto Paraguay Department, on the Riacho Mosquito.