
[aka Gunzib, гунзибский язык, ჰუნზიბური ენა]

Classification: Northeast Caucasian



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The Hunzib language belongs to the Dido subgroup of the northwestern group (Avar-Ando-Dido) of Dagestan languages. There is no consensus on the position of the Hunzib language in the genealogy of Dido languages. E. Bokarev considers it to be an independent language, E. Lomtadze is of the opinion that it is only a dialect. There are no distinct dialects within the Hunzib language itself, just slight differences in pronunciation. (The Red Book of the Peoples of the Russian Empire)

Gunzib, гунзибский язык, ჰუნზიბური ენა, гьонкьос мыц, honƛʼos mɨc, нахадинский язык, Enzeb, Xunzal, Khunzal, Khunzaly,

Northeast Caucasian, Daghestanian, Tsezic


ISO 639-3


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