
[, другое название: Mongghul, Halchighol, Naringhol]

Классификация: Mongolic


под угрозой исчезновения

Языковые метаданные

"Mongghul, or Huzhu Mongghul, is, together with (Minhe) Mangghuer, generally referred to as "Monguor' in the specialist literature. The Chinese nomenclature subsumes the two populations and their languages under the designation Tu or Turen 'Local People', and assigns only dialect status to the two varieties. Linguistically it is, however, clearly a question of two separate languages." (Stefan Georg 2003:286)

Mongghul, Halchighol, Naringhol, Hu-tsu, Narin-guor, 互助土家語

Mongolic, Shirongolic, Northern Shirongolic

Pinyin romanization of Mandarin Chinese



Как файл csv

Huzhu is listed as a dialect of Tu [mjg] in Ethnologue.

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