Kwaruwi Kwundi

[, другое название: Sos Kundi, Agbane, Agbanekundi]

Классификация: Sepik


близок к исчезновению

Языковые метаданные

Sos Kundi, Agbane, Agbanekundi, Akbana, Soskundi, Keak, Kwaruwikwundi, Sepik Plains, Tshuosh, Tshwosh, Sawos

Sepik, Ndu


ISO 639-3

sdk, keh

Как файл csv

Поиск в OLAC

Kwaruwi Kwundi is included within Laycock's (1973) "Sawos language", which he admits may consist of multiple languages, noting that "no real dialect surveys have been undertaken". The classifications here follow the survey work of Staalsen (1975). Ethnologue (18th edition) further splits the language into "Sos Kundi" and "Keak" (cf. Richardson and Tupper 2013), but a more conservative classification is followed here.

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