[aka Sandaui, Sandaweeki, Sandwe]Classification: Isolate
Classification: Isolate
Sandaui, Sandaweeki, Sandwe, Kisandawe, Sandawi |
Isolate, African |
ISO 639-3 |
sad |
As csv |
Information from: “The twelve modern Khoisan languages” . Matthias Brenzinger (2011)
"Estimates for numbers of speakers range from 90000 to 30000. The 'Atlasi ya Lugha za Tanzania' published by the University of Dar es Salaam in 2009 is somewhere in the middle, with a total of 65935 Sandawe speakers."
Information from: “Lexikon der Afrikanistik: afrikanische Sprachen und ihre Erforschung” (351, 3 maps) . Jungraithmayr, Herrmann and Möhlig, Wilhelm Johann Georg (1983) Dietrich Reimer Verlag
Central Tanzania
"Sandawe (Sandawí), Ethnonym bzw. Sprache einer ehemals von der Jagd und Sammlertätihkeit lebenden Bevölkerung in Zentral-Tanzania, im Gebiet westlich der Straße von Dodoma nach Kondoa..."
Information from: “The World Atlas of Language Structures” . Bernard Comrie and David Gil and Martin Haspelmath and Matthew S. Dryer · Oxford University Press
Information from: “A Sandawe grammar” (206) . Eaton, Helen Catherine (2010) SIL International
"Most Sandawe also speak Swahili [conversational fluency]"
Information from: “A Sandawe Dialect Survey” . Helen Eaton and Daniel Hunziker and Elisabeth Hunziker (2007)
"Children are still using Sandawe at the moment, and all believed that they would continue to do so in the future"
"Taking the village of Kwa Mtoro as the geographical centre of the Sandawe-speaking area, there are three main groups of Sandawe villages, which cluster along three of the four roads leading out of Kwa Mtoro."
Information from: “A description of the phonology of the Sandawe language” . Hunziker, Daniel and Hunziker, Elisabeth and Eaton, Helen Catherine (2008) SIL International
"We estimate that there are approximately 40,000 Sandawe. A figure of between 70,000 and 90,000 has also been suggested (Wright et al. 1995:1)."
"Interaction often takes place between the Sandawe and the other ethnic groups living among them, though conversation is normally carried out in Swahili. Some people from other ethnic backgrounds report being able to understand Sandawe, but the language is rarely spoken by non-Sandawe. ... Along the main road through the area where the Sandawe people live (Dodoma – Kwa Mtoro – Singida), most Sandawe also speak Swahili, although the level of proficiency has not been determined. Some of the older people have a very limited understanding of Swahili and do not speak it. In the more remote areas, we have even met teenagers who do not know Swahili. Children attending school, however, are required to learn Swahili and teaching is in Swahili."
"The Sandawe people live north of Dodoma in the Kondoa District of central Tanzania. The area populated by the Sandawe is about 50 km in diameter from north to south and from east to west. In addition, a relatively large group of Sandawe lives on the outskirts of Arusha."