
[aka Campo, Comeya, Cuchimí, Kamia, Kamiai, Kamiyahi, Kamiyai, Ki-Miai, ...]

Classification: Cochimi-Yuman



Language metadata

Campo, Comeya, Cuchimí, Kamia, Kamiai, Kamiyahi, Kamiyai, Ki-Miai, Ko'al, Ku'ahl, Kumeyaai, Kumiai, Kumia, Kw'aal, Quemayá, Tipái, Tipai', Tipéi

Cochimi-Yuman, Yuman

ISO 639-3


As csv

OLAC search

Kumeyaay is a member of the Diegueño dialect complex, spoken in 16 communities in San Diego County and in Baja California. The Ipai and Tipai dialect clusters have sometimes been considered distinct languages, though they are to some extent mutually intelligible. Some add Kumeyaay as a third dialect cluster intermediate between these two others. (Golla 2011: 120.)

Language information by source


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