Koro (India)

[aka Aka, Hrusso, Angka]

Classification: Unclassified




Koro song 3, sung by Abamu Degio and Moreng Degio

Abamu Degio + Moreng Degio sing in Koro

Filmed by Jeremy Fahringer for the Enduring Voices Project

Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages

Sept. 11, 2010

Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages


Filmed by Jeremy Fahringer for the Enduring Voices Project

This material is copyrighted. Please contact LivingTongues for more information.


  • user avatar

    Sharon Chai 4418 days ago

    Sooo touched by the song....thank you for recording it and all your great efforts to share this site with the world.... what you're doing is making a better world with diversity in peace!

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    Grace Miller 4413 days ago

    What a beautiful song and a worthy project!

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    mark rogers 4413 days ago

    Dont need to understand a language to enjoy a song. This is the perfect example of that.

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    Aqmal Namasaya 4381 days ago

    Amazing culture, such a shame if this were to be lost with time.

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    Jaime Nadal 4339 days ago

    It´s amazing! I hope the language koro should last. Bless.