Swiss-French Sign Language

[, другое название: Langage Gestuelle, Langue des Signes Suisse romande, LSF-SR]

Классификация: Sign Language


под угрозой исчезновения

Языковые метаданные

Langage Gestuelle, Langue des Signes Suisse romande, LSF-SR

Sign Language, European

Sign Writing Notation

ISO 639-3


Как файл csv

Поиск в OLAC

"The sign language used in German Switzerland, DSGS, is similar to the sign language used in the southern parts of Germany, LSF-SR to the sign language used in France (LSF) and LIS-SI to Italian Sign Language (LIS). An interesting study that remains to be done is of the extent to which these Swiss sign languages could be considered regional dialects of the sign languages of these neighboring countries." (Boyes Braem and Rathmann 2010)

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