[aka Saliba, Sáliba (in Colombia),]Classification: Saliban
·critically endangered
Classification: Saliban
·critically endangered
Saliba, Sáliba (in Colombia) |
Saliban |
ISO 639-3; Glottologcode |
slc; sali1298 |
As csv |
Information from: “La modalidad epistémica en la lengua sáliba” (107-118) . Ramírez, Hortensia Estrada (2010)
Según un censo reciente realizado por el Programa de Protección a la Diversidad Etnolingüística (PPDE) del Ministerio de Cultura, la población sáliba de Colombia es de 2.231 personas, sin embargo, sólo el 2% de esos indígenas hablan la lengua sáliba en la vida cotidiana. (p. 108)
[According to a recent survey conducted by the Program for the Protection of Ethnolinguist Diversity (PPDE) of the Ministry of Culture, the Sáliba population of Colombia is 2,231; however, only 2% of those Indians [45 persons] speak Sáliba in everyday life.]
Según un censo reciente realizado por el Programa de Protección a la Diversidad Etnolingüística (PPDE) del Ministerio de Cultura, la población sáliba de Colombia es de 2.231 personas, sin embargo, sólo el 2% de esos indígenas hablan la lengua sáliba en la vida cotidiana, razón por la cual este idioma se encuentra en grave peligro de extinción debido a que la mayor parte de la población se comunica en español. Sólo las personas mayores de 50 años, principalmente las mujeres, hablan sáliba habitualmente; los demás, son hablantes pasivos, es decir que entienden todo lo que se dice en ese idioma, pero les da temor, vergüenza o como ellos mismos dicen, ‘se les dificulta pronunciar los sonidos’ de su lengua materna. (p. 108)
[According to a recent survey conducted by the Program for the Protection of Ethnolinguist Diversity (PPDE) of the Ministry of Culture, the Sáliba population of Colombia is 2,231; however, only 2% of those Indians [45 persons] speak Sáliba in everyday life, the reason for why this language is in serious danger of extinction because most of the population communicates in Spanish. Only persons over 50 years old, mainly women, usually speak Sáliba; others are passive speakers, i.e. they understand everything that is said in that language, but it makes them fearful, ashamed, or as they say, ‘it is difficult for them to pronounce the sounds’ of their mother tongue.]
Según un censo reciente realizado por el Programa de Protección a la Diversidad Etnolingüística (PPDE) del Ministerio de Cultura, la población sáliba de Colombia es de 2.231 personas, sin embargo, sólo el 2% de esos indígenas hablan la lengua sáliba en la vida cotidiana, razón por la cual este idioma se encuentra en grave peligro de extinción debido a que la mayor parte de la población se comunica en español. Sólo las personas mayores de 50 años, principalmente las mujeres, hablan sáliba habitualmente; los demás, son hablantes pasivos, es decir que entienden todo lo que se dice en ese idioma, pero les da temor, vergüenza o como ellos mismos dicen, ‘se les dificulta pronunciar los sonidos’ de su lengua materna. (p. 108)
[According to a recent survey conducted by the Program for the Protection of Ethnolinguist Diversity (PPDE) of the Ministry of Culture, the Sáliba population of Colombia is 2,231; however, only 2% of those Indians [45 persons] speak Sáliba in everyday life, the reason for why this language is in serious danger of extinction because most of the population communicates in Spanish. Only persons over 50 years old, mainly women, usually speak Sáliba; others are passive speakers, i.e. they understand everything that is said in that language, but it makes them fearful, ashamed, or as they say, ‘it is difficult for them to pronounce the sounds’ of their mother tongue.]
El grupo étnico sáliba se encuentra ubicado en el oriente de Colombia en los departamentos de Casanare,Vichada y Meta; también hay sálibas en la vecina república de Venezuela.
[The Sáliba ethnic group is located in eastern Colombia in the departments of Casanare, Vichada, and Meta; Also there Sálibas in the neighboring republic of Venezuela.]
Information from: “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009)” . M. Paul Lewis · SIL International
"1,310 in Colombia (1993 census)."
Casanare, Vichadad, Meta, and Arauca departments, upstream from confluence of Meta and Casanare rivers.
Casanare, Vichadad, Meta, and Arauca departments, upstream from confluence of Meta and Casanare rivers.
Information from: “Language endangerment in South America: The clock is ticking” (167-234) . Crevels, Mily (2012) , Lyle Campbell and Veronica Grondona · Mouton de Gruyter
Less than 1929 of its ethnic population speak it in Colombia (2001), and there are 36 speakers out of a total ethnic population of 265 people in Venezuela.
Information from: “The World Atlas of Language Structures” . Bernard Comrie and David Gil and Martin Haspelmath and Matthew S. Dryer · Oxford University Press
Information from:
The language is located on the left bank of the river Meta in the town of Orocue. There is another Saliva speaking community in Vichada named Santa Rosalia. Saliva is also spoken in the neighboring republic of Venezuela. The main settlements are: Council Ucumo, duya, San Juanito, Cayman Paravare, Guanapalo, Macucuama, blinder and Santa Rosalia in the low Casanare.
Information from: “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 19th Edition (2016)” . Lewis, M. Paul, Gary F. Simons, and Charles D. Fennig · SIL International
1,300 in Colombia, 250 in Venezuela
In Colombia: Arauca, Casanare, Meta, and Vichadad departments: upstream from confluence of Meta and Casanare rivers.
In Venezuela: Amazonas state: Cedoño municipality.
Information from: “Saliba (Colombia y Venezuela) - Contextos de lenguas” (197-239) . Jorge Emilio Roses Labrada, Hortensia Estrada Ramirez (2020) , Peter K. Austin · EL Publishing