[aka Culino, Culiña, Culinha]Classification: Arawan
Classification: Arawan
Culino, Culiña, Culinha, Kulino, Cuniba, Curina, Madiha, Kulína, Madihá, Madija, Corina, Kulina, Kulyna, Kurina, Kollina, Korina |
Arawan |
ISO 639-3 |
cul |
As csv |
Not to be confused with Kulina [xpk] (a Panoan language of the Pano-Takanan family). |
Information from: “Base de Datos de Pueblos Indígenas u Originarios” . Ministerio de Cultura
There are 417 speakers in Peru (2007 Census) and 2,437 speakers in Brazil (Rodrigues 1986).
Spoken at the mouth of the Curanja River and at the headwaters of the Purús and Yurúa rivers, in the province of Atalaya, Ucayali Region, Peru; and by the Alto Purús, Alto Yurúa, Bajo Yurúa, Jutaí, Itacoaí, and Curuçá rivers in the states of Acre and Amazonas, Brazil
Information from: “South America” (103-196) . Mily Crevels (2007) , C. Moseley · London & New York: Routledge
There are about 400 speakers in Peru, possibly more in Brazil.
There are 2 bilingual schools with 3 teachers. All children acquire the language.
About 10% speak some Spanish and they have little contact with Spanish speakers. Brazilian merchants often visit them.
Peru, along the Upper Purús River.
Information from: “The World Atlas of Language Structures” . Bernard Comrie and David Gil and Martin Haspelmath and Matthew S. Dryer · Oxford University Press
Information from: “Ethnologue: Languages of the World, 16th Edition (2009)” . M. Paul Lewis · SIL International
3,500 in Brazil (2006 ISA). Population total all countries: 3,900 (2016).
Amazonas and Acre states, on Juruá and Purus rivers.
Amazonas and Acre states, on Juruá and Purus rivers.