Kanienʼkéha (Mohawk)
[aka Kanienʼkeha, Kanien'kehaka, Kanyenʼkéha]Classification: Iroquoian
Classification: Iroquoian
Kwe Kwe Ahkwesahsro:non is a song that gives greetings to all ahkwesahsne people.
Grades 3,4,5 AMS Kanien'keha Konterennotha"&" Special guest Selena Ottertail Brisson"Recorded By KAV Productions"Cover Design by Ian (Tehanonsake) Clute"Cover Pic by Shelly Cruickshank"Music Instructor Kaweienon:ni Cook-Peters"Niawenhko:wa to the Sweetgra |
Jan. 1, 1970 |
Grades 3,4,5 AMS Kanien'keha Konterennotha& Special guest Selena Ottertail BrissonRecorded By KAV ProductionsCover Design by Ian (Tehanonsake) CluteCover Pic by Shelly CruickshankMusic Instructor Kaweienon:ni Cook-PetersNiawenhko:wa to the Sweetgras |
Mohawk Song |
Grades 3,4,5 AMS Kanien'keha Konterennotha& Special guest Selena Ottertail BrissonRecorded By KAV ProductionsCover Design by Ian (Tehanonsake) CluteCover Pic by Shelly CruickshankMusic Instructor Kaweienon:ni Cook-PetersNiawenhko:wa to the Sweetgras |
Ahkwesãhsne Mohawk Board of Education |
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