Northwestern Chinantec

[también conocido como jau jmai, Chinanteco del noroeste, Tlacoatzintepec Chinantec]

Clasificación: Otomanguean


con amenaza de extinción

Información del idioma

Some sources refer to this language as Tlacoatzintepec Chinantec. The most recent official sources in Mexico refer to it as "Chinanteco del noroeste." The primary name provided here is an English translation that name.

jau jmai, Chinanteco del noroeste, Tlacoatzintepec Chinantec

Otomanguean, Chinantecan

ISO 639-3


Como csv

Búsqueda en OLAC

Some sources list up to 14 different Chinantec languages. The most recent and accurate sources claim that there are 11 different Chinantec languages, with 20 different dialects. (INALI 2009)

Foro de documentación de lenguas


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