
[également appelé Yanam, Nimam, Xiriâna]

Classification : Yanomaman



Métadonnées relatives aux langues

Yanam, Nimam, Xiriâna, Casapare, Kasrapai, Jawaperi, Crichana, Jawari, Shiriana, Shirianá, Samatari, Yanam-Ninam, Xirianá, Shiriana Casapare,


ISO 639-3


En tant que csv

Recherche au sein de la communauté OLAC (Open Language Archives Community)

The variety called Yaroame (ISO 639-3 code: yro) is considered by linguists including Helder Feirrera to be a language distinct from Ninam; however, opinions on this dialect-language division are varied, as there is some mutual intelligibility between Ninam varieties. For the purposes of the Catalogue of Endangered Languages, Yaroame is considered a variety of Ninam.

Forum consacré à la documentation linguistique


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