Ayapanec Zoque

[aka Ayapanec, Ayapaneco, Ayapa]

Classification: Mixe-Zoquean


critically endangered


Apuntes y estudios sobre la lengua zoque

Draft notes on the Zoque language, based on the explanations of Joaquin Santomé and others. Subjects include Zoque translations of prayers, vocabulary including a page on slang (p. 13), orthography, grammar, a comparison of Zoque and Maya (p. 36), numerals, and geographic names. Items laid in include a pencil sketch titled Filomena, a letter from José Maria Sanchez to Berendt, a list of pueblos where Zoque was spoken, and additional notes (10 items, 10 ff.). Seven of these items that are larger than the notebook have been removed, unfolded, and shelved together with the notebook.

Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image, University of Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania Libraries

Jan. 1, 1970

Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image, University of Pennsylvania

Tuxtla Gutierrez

Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image, University of Pennsylvania

Schoenberg Center for Electronic Text and Image, University of Pennsylvania


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